The static ABC classification is based on calculated columns. Figure 1 The ABC class can be used to filter the products into a given class. The report in Figure 1 shows that there are 493 products in class A, making over 21M in sales, whereas 1,455 products in class C only generate 3M in sales. Each product is statically assigned to a class that can be used on the rows and columns of a report. In the example, we cluster products based on sales.

This pattern is also available as a video ( 43 min.) Watch now Static ABC classification For example, if one needs to update the ABC class to a product on a yearly basis, they can accomplish this by creating a snapshot table containing the ABC class of a product for every year. There is also a third pattern for this type of clustering, which lies in-between the static and the dynamic versions: the snapshot ABC.

As such, in the dynamic ABC classification the clustering of product needs to be done in measures, resulting in a less efficient – albeit more flexible – algorithm. Dynamic ABC classification computes the class of each product dynamically, based on the report filters. Static ABC classification assigns a class to each product statically, so that the class of a product does not change depending on the filters being applied to the report. ĪBC classification can be either static or dynamic. You can find more information on ABC classification at. You can use this pattern to determine the core business of a company, typically in terms of best performing products or best customers.

Hence, the pattern is named after the three clusters (ABC). The products making up the next 20% of sales are in cluster B, whereas the products representing the last 10% of sales, belong to class C. The best-selling products that contribute to up to 70% of the total sales belong to cluster A.

A typical example of ABC classification is the segmentation of products (entity) based on sales (value). The ABC classification pattern classifies entities based on values, grouping entities together that contribute to a certain percentage of the total.